as Compose List
inline fun <T> Flow<List<T>>.asComposeList(scope: CoroutineScope, useContextOnChange: CoroutineContext? = Dispatchers.Main, noinline onException: ExceptionHandler<List<T>?> = defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull): List<T>(source)
In fact, it is just classcast of asMutableComposeListState to List
Changing in time List which follow Flow values
Will be used to subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions on this to update returned List
use Context On Change
Will be used to change context inside of subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions to ensure that change will happen in the required CoroutineContext. Dispatchers.Main by default
on Exception
Will be passed to the subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions as uncaught exceptions handler