This flow must emit data each time when data by Key has been changed with set method or in any other way excluding cases of data removing
This flow must emit data each time when data by Key has been removed with unset/unsetWithValues methods or in any other way
Invalidates its internal data. It may lead to autoreload of data. In case when repo makes autoreload, it must do loading of data before clear
This method should use sorted by Keys search and return the PaginationResult. By default, it should use ascending sort for Keys
This method should use sorted by Keys search and return the PaginationResult. By default, it should use ascending sort for Keys.
Will set as batch toSet data in current repo. Must pass the data which were successfully updated in repo to onNewValue
Will unset as batch data with values from toUnset. Must pass the Keys which were successfully removed in repo to onValueRemoved
This method should use sorted by Keys search and return the PaginationResult. By default, it should use ascending sort for Keys